Monday, January 10, 2011

Future Topics

This is more of an index of subject matter for my benefit on subjects I intend to further research.

1.  The member nations of OPEC, their influence in world affairs and politics, what they think of us and why they own some of our national deficit.
2.  Wiki-Leaks
3.  Monopolies and the world's Billionaires and their influence on politics
4.  Further study our National Deficit, charts, graphs, etc.  Also the stability of other worldwide countries.
5.  Capitalism and Socialism Pros and Cons
6.  World wide population growth, and the population density of socialist and communist countries with laws relating to population control
7.  Study population, population densities of all countries worldwide
8.  Russia's and China's "friends"
9. Study the European Union, and the new push for a new international currency.  Study the influential players in the U.N. and their status as allies with the U.S.
10.  Study electronic currency.

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