Earth Warming Theory
By Dewayne Allday
July 14th, 2010
Depleting the Original Cooling System (Earth's)
This is not to be confused with mainstream theories of "Global Warming" and is not meant to take away from any of those theories, except where they may overlap. This is my original theory, to which I want it called the "Earth Warming Theory".
It is widely know that oil keeps a car running smooth and keeps it from overheating. What if oil, when in the earth’s surface, helps keep the earth running smooth, therefore, along with water, keeps it from overheating. We must keep in mind that the earth spins on an axis and has a lot of plate movement activity, and that the earth's core is very hot. We must also keep in mind that the earth is a great huge mass, turning, creating both internal and external heat as it spins on its axis. I will create an analogy and compare the Earth's cooling system with an automobile cooling system to help you easier understand some of the dynamics involved. In my mind, it only makes sense that the earth would have its own radiator (ocean), cooling jets (aquifers, rivers, streams) and oil to keep the earth running smoothly. Oil is under pressure, not needing an oil pump (example- the BP gulf oil spill is pumping thousands of gallons into the gulf without the aid of an oil pump due to what is called "head pressure"). Water is under pressure, not needing a water pump (example- artesian wells in some areas spill out thousands of gallons if not hundreds of millions of water because of the same "head pressure" concept). This being said, the earth's population is increasing exponentially like never in the history of mankind and our water aquifer reserves and oil reserves have all been tapped, some of which have been completely depleted. Even many of our artesian wells do not produce the gallons per minute (GPM) that they once did, or they don’t have enough “head” to produce the artesian affect at all anymore. Keeping that in mind, what happens when the earth's engine runs low on oil and its radiator is depleted of water by an increasing global population?
I believe it will run very rough with increased earthquake activity with larger earthquakes in general. If you ever have been around a vehicle which is worn out due to lack of oil, overheating, this will make more sense to you. I also strongly believe that the internal earth temperatures will increase from the increased friction, resulting in warming earth temperatures, the ice caps melting, ice and snow in general melting at an increased rate, resulting in more flooding and also increased droughts and more intense storms.
Basically what I am proposing is a global warming theory that is totally separate from any previous theories of global warming to date based off any greenhouse theory or discussion of reduced ozone in our atmosphere, even though it may appear that the theorized symptoms may overlap.
For millions of years oil lubricated the earth's interior surface and did not create heat, but instead actually helped eliminate heat through reducing heat producing friction. Yes, friction causes heat, not only in automobiles, but deep within our earth's surface, and on a lot larger scale. Now we have billions of little heaters driving around the planet (automobile exhaust pipes), and other heat producing sources putting heat in our atmosphere and using the very product (oil) which for years reduced heat, but is not producing heat in a non-direct way (by increased friction from being reduced in volume by oil drilling) and in a direct way (by being burned). So, not only will heat increase within the earth's surface because we are depleting our oil reserves, but the oil that was actually decreasing heat for many years because it was lubricating the earth, now is being used up and burned on the earth's surface and creating heat.
And people thought that Henry Ford created one of the first cooling systems in the United States. Personally, I just don't think old Henry was around when the original cooling system (the earths') was created.
To me, this is science combined with a little common sense. Prove me wrong.
Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 (New International Version)
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one can say,
"Look! This is something new"?
It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.