Saturday, February 15, 2025


 "When we are young, we wish we could get advice from our older self. When old, we need advice from our younger self."

Dewayne Allday

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Ode to Sunsets....

By Dewayne Allday 

A spring flower in December,

a whisper to remember,

the sunlight glistening on a ripple,

like diamonds and pearls.

Simple wiggle, little dimple,

why do you tease me so?

Don’t you know I love you,

My heart and mind you know.

A song singing in the wind,

a sound delightful to no end.

A soft bird singing love songs,

sunlight glistening on his wings.

A wind blowing from the east

bringing a fragrance fit for kings

and memories to remember

jousting my heart as it seems.

Ode to sunsets, I say who,

I dew, I dew, I dew love you.

Ode to sunsets, I say red,

painting the water,

her paint brush said.

Ode to sunsets, I say blue,

the sun has gone,

and a calm is due.

Spend Resources on the Disease, not the Symptoms

 As certain countries in the world continue to grow increasingly aligned with Russia and China and the BRICs financial system (shifting away from the US Dollar), or as countries turn to a more neutral or adversarial role concerning the West, it should be obvious that we as Americans, and our allies, who know the dangers of the extreme right and the extreme left, should invest in the United States, and in each other, despite past, current or future problems.  

Even if it is a knee jerk reaction, hopefully many are finding new energy, motivation, and wising up to and attempting to strategize and repair the core basis of these problems for America's long term survival and more so, the survival and successful flourishment of old school Western thought on freedoms, justice, growth and survivability, so that our children and grandchildren and great grandchildren will not be born into a Third World country in this great land, and not be born into a fallen country that is and will be continuously manipulated and controlled as a pawn and satellite by its present day adversaries.  

Instead of focusing all our government's attention and resources on the symptoms of decline (rising domestic issues, etc.), the decline should be a-politically reverse engineered, analyzed and corrected in appropriate steps that ensure future survival and success while carefully and strategically maintaining peace in the world.  And it  needs to be completed ASAP and by the correct people.

If the decline is real, and it is my strong opinion that certainly it is  real floating around with great collection of direct and indirect evidence that point to the decline, then it is also real that a few future symptoms of continued decline are increased American struggles, protests, open rebellion, etc.  

It is better strategically to fight the disease, not the symptoms.  Fighting the symptoms is spinning in circles and a waste of valuable resources and lives.  The disease, in my opinion, is (are) the same things that I have discussed for two decades; the building China's weaponry, world dominance and influence with our own American dollars through exponentially buying their products, building their factories, and giving them the tools and the money to take over the world.  We are by far the largest net importer in the world. Almost every European country was at least smart enough to be a net exporter instead of net importer.  Even though net exports, they still had Chinese imports that enriched China and consequently, Chinas allies.  

When we closed our factories down and encouraged the building of those factories in China, we closed our private sector tax base, shrunk the U.S. Treasury, increased the National Debt, and have yet to admit that all of this is not only a very serious National Security Risk, but perhaps the biggest National Security Risk in the history of our young country.  It brings with it problems that are yet to be discovered and undoubtedly will be the largest since the formation of the United States.  As our factories closed, so did our tax revenue and consequently our National Debt increased as we imprisoned and destroyed the lives and future of those who lost hope during the factory closings and transitions to this intertwined New World Order, as they have been calling it.  Was the true motive of globalism profit or a more peaceful world. It certainly was sold as creating a more peaceful world.  That peace doesn't seem to be working out.  As the US factory base closed and moved to China, we adversely affected a large segment of the population that just were not designed to moved into the tech sector.  And, there were no promises that China would not invade our tech sector after they had built all of the factories and used American dollars to do so.  Not only that, we continually encourage the migration of cheap labor and this process has further escalated that bleeding of American factory jobs and increased our prison populations.

The propensity of future protests, future rebellions, future revolutions or future civil wars can be reversed and stopped strategically a decade in advance instead of continuing a bad path and later instigating things further by killing or arresting future Americans.  To change future history, the investigation, analysis, conclusions and concrete steps (open and covert) for the mitigated reversal of an incredibly bad path must not wait until the time arrives before implementation.  The Chinese and Russians and Iranians and their other allies would love to see the every resource in the United States tied up in fighting its own domestic issues.  Tying up all of our country's valuable resources on these domestic issues will certainly  enable our adversaries free reign on the world.  It will also increase the debt and prison populations and lower the tax base even more.

A free man pays taxes into the US Treasury and no matter what he mouths out about politics, he still supports the government through his money and his community service.  A man in prison is a drain on the system who collectively and continually increases the National Debt.  Not a single government or government contract job is a net contributor to the U.S. Treasury.  The taxes they pay cannot even pay their own salary much less the car they drive, building they are housed in, utility bills, benefits.  Long term, an increasing prison population is unsustainable just like an increasing government job base and shrinking private sector is unsustainable.  Take a man and put him in prison and in doing so, take the entire net taxes (in theory) of ten private sector tax paying men and use 100% of that income to pay for the one inmate.  Unsustainable.  I'm not saying release the murderers on death row, I'm simply saying that globalism increased the prison populations in the United States.  The factories closed and the factories were all that a certain class of people had to get a job, hold it, find productive purpose and stay out of trouble.  Only so many of these men can cut grass for others.  Globalism took them out of jobs and the War on Drugs crime laws took them out of society.  Only so many can replace the college kids at the fast food restaurants and become lifetime fast food cashiers or cooks.  Say what you will, but this idea of a huge prison population is one of the most logical reasons, outside of hatred, that Hitler really gassed the Jews.  The Jews were starving to death in his prison camps via shortages of food or a way to provide for them.  

We either increase the private sector's tax base exponentially by limiting imports from inferior waged countries (especially imports from our adversaries) or we keep increasing the per capita ratio of our nation's prison population and keep enriching our adversaries in multiple ways.  

Easier said than done right?  Not really.  Tariffs on China and Russia but no tariffs on our allies and/or equally waged countries.  The increased price of those Chinese goods  hit by the tariffs will cause the prices on the Chinese goods to increase which will encourage more made in America products to be purchased.  Long term it will cause existing American factories to be built or expanded.  But few American factory is going to trust and spend millions or billions of dollars in expansions or start ups if the tariffs are for one Presidential term only. That would be foolish.  These complications have to be sorted out ahead of time.  And, Americans deserve some of that tariff money back to replace some of the income lost in through the increased prices of the tariffs.

The rise of global monopolies is another National Security threat.  People can say what they want, but outside of exceptions to the rule, money influences though and foreign investments are no different.  If thirty percent of an American based globalist monopoly's money is brought in from our chief adversary (China), then it is not smart to allow those same people to directly or indirectly influence or be in charge of any American economic or political policy or law regarding the tariffs on China.  It will not be to these companies benefit to hurt their bottom line by transitioning away from China and Russia.   And building a new relationship with Indonesia and the Philippines (or whoever) to transition away from China and to get the same cheap labor from those countries will not help the shrinking American tax base or bring American factories back.  The population loss to either a government job or to prison will continue.

Despite being an American based company, they have an undivided interest in protecting their cash flow and their cash flow is directly dependent on China.  If a globalist monopoly is publicly traded, they are loyal to their company and investors.  Global monopolies are a fairly new threat that have not been properly analyzed.   Years ago American monopolies were nearly 100% domestic in the U.S. and therefore had strongest desires to support the long term success and growth of the United States.  For the first time in history, the last forty years (since early 90s), that is no longer the case.  Not only do the large businesses and monopolies have divided loyalties, the entire American population were instructed and encouraged to invest their retirement portfolios in Asian stocks and mutual funds.  We are all in to China's rise and takeover of the world, it seems.  The days of American based loyalties (in general) through strong allegiances to the United States have been severely weakened by this detente and merger with the Chinese economy. Thank-you Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller for these serious National Security threats.  If a CIA officer received monetary contributions of a million dollars (or billions) from the Chinese or Russians, then certainly that would be noticed and be considered a betrayal and/or security concern.  You wouldn't put that guy in charge of US policy.  You might just arrest him for treason.  It is no different with globalist monopolies who influence U.S. policy which directly determines the survivability of the United States on the world stage.  Loyalty is important and common sense is equally important.  At a minimum, it is ethically wrong and a serious conflict of interests to the National Security of the United States to have this sort of foreign influence over policy.  

As much as I've protested Elon's rise and questioned his motives, I never said that I disagreed with many of his thoughts or ideas.  Two decades before he Elon publicly stated it, I was suggesting IQ tests for Congress and the President and other top leadership positions.  But the truth is that the smartest person in the world can do the most damage in the world if they have an evil, vindictive, or self serving heart.  A dumb boy can barely get out  of his own backyard of influence but a very smart boy can conquer the world and the world be at his mercy.  He might chose us today, but he is not limited to America any longer.  Clearly Elon isn't that smartest person in the word, having a gifted IQ (reportedly) but he certainly has managed to focus on promoting his brand and influence worldwide and currently he has as much or more influence than about anyone else in the entire world. That means that if he is good, then things can be good, but if he has a black heart, and especially a black and impulsive heart, then the world is certainly in danger.  He wasn't born here.  He sees himself as a world leader (in my opinion).  Time will show his true intent, heart and loyalties.