Sunday, March 4, 2012

Whose Compass are You Using?

I will keep this short.  A few wonder why I have been so outspoken against those here that cause division inside the city, and why I just can't support those who rub salt in old wounds and those who stir up trouble at every opportunity.  I can only listen to it so much, whether it's the radio or the cult and I just have to turn it off because it makes me sick on my stomach.

However, all I have to do is look back through these old pictures of boys of all colors working together, having fun, laughing together and getting along just fine to be refreshed in my spirit.  All I have to do is think about my friends, of all colors, who want to work together to make this city and county a better place and positive hope is embedded ever deeper into my soul.

And to be honest, sometimes we just have to turn it off and just focus on the positive and that's a much more enjoyable place to be and it is solid ground.  However, injustice is injustice and it saddens me to no end to see people being manipulated, especially by the very same people they should be able to trust.

But for tonight, and hopefully the next few days, I'm going to enjoy these pictures... these memories... of teamwork.... and all the rest, I'm just going to turn it off.

We won the best teamwork award at this particular camporee at Dallas Lake.
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Surveying Merit Badge - Old Boy's Ranch, now Teen Challenge
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We camped out and worked on the surveying merit badge by doing a topographic survey so that a site plan could be made for the construction of a new Boys Ranch, although it is now called Teen Challenge.

Campout on the Cahawba River
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I really enjoyed teaching the guys how to cook over a campfire and teach them responsibility.  They all got to both learn and have a good time.  That's what life is about.

Warren Manor - Spring Flowers for Residents
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 Warren Manor - We picked wild spring flowers and gave to everyone in Warren Manor and also the Lighthouse Convalescent Home.  The guys really enjoyed that and so did the patients.

Christmas skit at Warren Manor.
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  What a blast.. these are just some of the boys who participated...

The Selma Christmas Parade.  What fun!
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Flag retirement ceremony.
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 I sure was proud of those boys that day.
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Vermon could sure play that saxophone.
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I miss the scouts and I am so glad I still had these pictures.  I lost so many of them because of computer issues and I thought I had lost these also.  It was a very nice suprise tonight.

Keep fighting for justice.  Keep working towards teamwork. You just can't have one without the other.  Justice is the only thing that can bring about teamwork and teamwork is the only thing that can bring about justice.  If you want to see justice and teamwork, take a look at the first picture in this article.

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