Monday, May 16, 2011

A Wake up Call on Cult Motives

A  wake up call:

To anyone reading this site that thinks the FF are such great people because they are going out into the community -

Historically almost every cult HAD TO HAVE A CAUSE to stir up people's hearts.

Historically almost every cult HAD TO MARKET THEIR ORGANIZATION and the most famous cults included plays and music into their scheme, attaching onto children which eventually grabbed onto the parents.

I know it hurts that every "event" you go to is put together for the wrong reasons when you think it is coming from the heart of Gwen Brown and Mark Duke, but if you really study up, I believe you will wake up and see but don't kick yourself too bad... because many of you followers had the right intentions.

If you really study up and look at the people the FF have given something too, didn't that person either have some talents/strengths that the cult could monopolize on? Think about ol’ Dusty. He's pretty talented on the theater side isn't he; therefore his support could help them recruit more people into RATCO. There are others that are very social and have a way with people that help in recruiting also... Wow. This isn't rocket science here.

How about Ronald? Part of their strategy was to play the race card and get racial emotions stirred up and polarize the city. When they realized that Mark Duke early on that Mark wasn't going to be accepted strategically they needed a black man, and one with a past, to start recruiting more from the black community... and they needed someone with local roots/ties, and Ronald needed a meal ticket and a boost in the community, but it's too bad that he doesn't realize that he was cheated... and took second best... If Ronald was a Christian and scripture wise it's hard for me to imagine that, but just in case the Lord is in his heart somewhere, then I pray the Lord shows him that he took a shortcut by joining up with this group... He could have found a job and worked his way back into society... but Mark manipulated him and is still using him as a pawn...

Mark's using the same marketing techniques Jim Jones with the People's Temple used... the most famous destructive cult in the history of the United States... He used the race card to stir up people's emotions.. I can remember Jim had up a sign at his church at one point that said “Black People are Welcome Here”. Doesn’t that sound just like something Duke would put up at his church to “stir the pot”? If you’ve ever heard Jim preach and also Duke preach it’s really scary about how much their sound alike and preach about the same things and keep bouncing the subject around… People were calling Duke the “Spin doctor” and still do and ironically when I researched the People’s Temple, I found out that people called Jim the “Spin Doctor” as well….probably 80% of his congregation was black and the others were whites that wanted to hear the message of racial reconciliation. The heart was right but the location was wrong.

All of you should know that there are other integrated organizations in this city with truth in their hearts. Ronald knows this, but it's his job to ignore it... He's getting paid and played....He's been programmed to ignore it... It's his job to promote otherwise... but it's not too late...

Think about it... There are over a hundred hours of sermons that leaked out... Mark Duke talking about the black preachers in Selma... Mark Duke talking very negatively about Martin Luther King Jr and Jessie Jackson.  Ronald Smith - don't you think he's talking about you too behind closed doors with Gwen Brown and his spiritual partner Shawn Samuelson (and even his legal wife Becky) ?  Come on, if he talked about all of those other African-American preachers, don't you think he'd talk about you too if there was something he thought he could gain from it?  Don't fool yourself.

So it's my prayer that everyone in this city and the cult wakes up and smells the rotten/decaying stinking false motives of the Freedom Foundation and gets into a real organization/church that displays the True Gospel of Christ...


  1. Ouch! I was understanding where you were coming from until the last sentence. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are effectively cults too.

    Of course the image they (Christians) project of Christ is deep and compassionate and meaningful and kind and benign. But then they build a hierarchy of control on that model where the folk beneath are held to the values by the folk on top. The folk on top are not bound by the same values, they only pretend to be. The story of Christ is perfectly fine until you understand that the corresponding threat is that if you don't conform you are lost, rejected, cast adrift, meaningless or even worse burnt for eternity. Of course you will go on trying to "justify" each and every dictate.

    As far as I understand it Christ was a Jew and he got it. Now we have the same thing called Christianity. If he turned up today he would be as revolutionary when it comes to the organised and hierarchical controlling religion of Christianity as he was of Judaism last time. The real "organization/church" is humanity. It cannot be defined separately.

    And I recall something G W Bush said: that he didn't think an atheist could be a patriotic American. OUCH! (P.S. I don't even live in America)

  2. For someone who doesn't even live in America (whether South America or North America or Central America) you sure do keep up with things over here :)

    I can really tell how your bad experiences in the Catholic Church affected you Nik... It's hard to sometimes deal with that sort of thing but not all churches around here try to impose such control over their members, except this particular cult uses all sorts of dispicable control techniques to keep people "in-line"... It's all about "control" with this group old friend... control and power...
