Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Self-Confidence is built when you see future events ahead of anyone else and the events you saw unfold into reality.  Self-Esteem is established in yourself when you could care less about telling everyone "I told you so."  Discouragement and then guilt sets in when you can't stop the bad things that you see coming.

~Dewayne Allday


  1. Well I have a slightly different view of things. What I do is I put myself on an island where no one else influences me, there are no laws and no judgmental gits around and I imagine how I would feel. Then I realise that self confidence is simply the developing condition as I do things and when things don't work out I learn from it. My point being that your comments seem to be the consequence of other oppressive judgmental manipulative attitudes which have been implanted in your head. So I agree with your essence of self esteem and in part with your idea about seeing how things unfold ahead of time. But I take umbrage at the idea that we would feel guilt if it weren't imposed on us in the first place by judgmental people. And to cut to the quick it is parents, teachers and, unfortunately, religious hypocrites and dictators.

  2. And hey! Why aren't you following my blog?

  3. I have learned, as you, to seperate myself from the thoughts and flows of others, filtering information and discerning for myself what I believe and what is true. Had I not, I would be very confused. However, the feeling I have is a strong urge to help, sort of like seeing a little old lady crossing the road and a car coming, and feeling guilt because I wasn't able to get to her in time. It would benefit me and others if I spent time on the things I can change and not worry as much about the things I may not be able to change.
