Monday, August 9, 2010

Antonyms – Liberty (Freedom) is to Oppression as Real is to Fake

Although I was born after the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, graduating from a public school and spending my entire adult life working in Selma for the last twenty-two years, I have come to learn through books, magazines and word of mouth that there is no doubt Selma’s people, and especially it’s African-American people, have been oppressed in the past. Today, many of us, both Caucasian and African-American, have at some point been in one or more oppressive situations, although positively to a far lesser degree than pre-seventies or even pre-eighties. Realizing this, why do some of us continue to support organizations that exhibit oppressive behaviors and teachings? Personally I don’t see color, but I see heart, and the color of our hearts may be all the same, but the motives and size of our hearts are can be quite different, and especially when you combine hearts with wrong motives and big ambitions, we often find that oppression is not far behind.
Mark Duke was not the first self proclaimed “white savior”, yet cult leader of black people. Jim Jones, the charismatic, yet narcissistic leader of the People’s Temple cult claimed that official pedestal in the sixties and seventies, a much less popular title then, than now. Mark Duke was not the first cult leader who preached racial reconciliation either, or who tooted his horn about all the good works his organization was doing, nor the first cult leader to strategically market his organization in various ways. On top of all the press releases about their good works, Jim Jones received many awards from local governments and organizations in the cities which he and his cult resided. Also, Mark Duke was not the first cult leader who segregated his followers from their families and had them cut off communications with past so that they could dedicate all their time and talents towards “the cause” which was really “his cause”. Mark Duke was not the first narcissist who enjoyed the spotlight and wanted his picture taken with influential people and big-shot politicians. Jim had his picture taken with people of much higher political value than Duke ever has, including Walter Mondale, First Lady Rosalynn Carter, Governor Jerry Brown, Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally, Angela Davis and so many others. Also realize that Mark isn’t the first cult leader who got very political and supported a candidate for mayor. Jim Jones is credited as playing a huge role in the election of George Moscone as Mayor of San Francisco. Who can argue with a guy who can bus in hundreds of volunteers to help run a campaign at the drop of a hat? I can.

I have read and heard Mark Duke’s words speaking of unity but I have also heard many of his “recorded” words that I am sure he now wishes had not been “leaked” to the public, words speaking of horrible things that would completely swing the support of any honest heart from having anything to do with him, his organizations or his subordinates. I completely agree with Joseph Rembert who recently wrote “that a picture of a black child eating watermelon is not as offensive as a white savior of black people (in his own mind) referring to black people as “darkies”. Well, if Mark Duke is so bold to oppress other local churches by calling their black visitors or members “darkies” because they attend a church that doesn’t cater to his organization or his opinion, what do you think he saying in private among his “flock”? Many of those recordings are not too far away if you know where to look, but sad to say, many times all you have to do is listen to him talk on the radio to hear the gospel of oppression.

And as for oppression, this group is oppressive as it gets. If you’re a veteran member of the group, try to have a different opinion about something and see what happens. If you’re not a member of the group and have a different opinion, or voice your opinion about the group, look out for them to try and discredit you, threaten to get you fired, call your name out on their radio or show up with a mob at your place of employment or at even at your personal residence. Let’s take this intimidation a little further and let your members legally carry guns by getting jobs with the Selma Police force or even go to FBI school so you can find out the source of those anonymous screen names that discuss the Freedom Foundation on the internet who happen to be anonymous because they are afraid some of those threats the Freedom Foundation made against them may come to fruition. Did someone mention fruits, something they keep harping on? Does not the Boy Scouts in our local area do more in a few months than the entire Freedom Foundation has done the entire time they have been here? Aren’t there many organizations and churches here in this city that do not toot their own horns, yet do far more than the Freedom Foundation has ever done, while doing it quietly, steadily, with real unity and hearts with a true love of Selma?

I have repeatedly read that when Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X died, they left virtually no money to their family because of their refusal to make a profit from their activism. When Duke moved his family to Peachtree City, Georgia, he bought a mansion in a rich gated community. He also still visits his mansion in Colorado. He almost weekly still visits Selma, sowing more seeds of division, intimidating local churches, businesses and individuals, before retreating back to his house on the hill where he watches his “flock”, many living in poverty and sub-standard conditions in communal housing fighting for “his” cause. Talk about freedom. I just can’t believe this “Beloved Communal” is what Martin Luther King Jr. was talking about, and while many of us sit back deciding whether or not we like the Freedom Foundation or not, they have an organized plan to get control of this city. While we sit back and watch, he is moving his pawns in place, silently trying and succeeding in getting veteran cult leaders in political offices and strategic places of employment all over Dallas County. Why is he doing that you ask? Let’s ask Mark Duke himself (caught on tape): “You know what I’m gonna do next year. I’m gonna run for mayor. Yeah, that's what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna run God's campaign. How are we going to get this town, unless I have the authority to get people, they don't want to come together. But with authority, they have to come together and they need someone to bring them together… I’m not running to win, I’m running because He told me to run… If I don’t do what God tells me to do, I’m not gonna have eternal life.” Sounds like force fed puke to me. Read his words carefully Selma, because in these words you will see his goals of an oppressive socialized dictatorship for Selma, and from these words, you will see how he uses religion to get his cult followers to bear fruit. After all, if they don’t do what God tells them to do, they will not have eternal life.

And as for the recent bridge dancing embarrassment, how do you feel about them sending a message to our youth that it’s perfectly alright to break the rules, disobey authorities, break promises and have temper tantrums when you don’t get your way? Is that what we want for our youth to arrogantly defy city government creating a sense of lawlessness in a city that already has enough lawlessness? Is it really necessary to bombard the Mayor and others of this City with protests and letters, wasting their time and others which could have been spent on making Selma a better place to live? Do you think you should feel special because you feel you are the first political candidate in history being supported by a cult? I wish we could ask George Moscone how special he feels about using cult members to help him in his campaign, especially since his name shows up just about every place you read about the destruction of the People’s Temple cult.

Oh yes, the bridge. Let’s ask Mark Duke what he thinks about that bridge in his own words: “There's a new day coming to Selma, let me tell you something, if it takes our blood on that bridge again, then they'll get our blood, but we ain't gonna stop - God is with us, he has anointed us, he has called us..." Again, listen to what he’s preaching. Listen to what he’s teaching these kids. Really Mark? Really Selma? Do we really need blood on that bridge again? Do we want you to see you taking pictures and marketing them on your websites so that you can profit off of this bridge and the people who were hurt on it? Do we want you to blaspheme the true leaders who were marching on that bridge with right and true motives on Bloody Sunday? No, we certainly do not.

Has anyone ever thought that maybe whoever created the names “Freedom Foundation”, “Real Talk”, and “House of God” used those words as a manipulative front, but the antonym of these words may actually be more applicable, such as the “Oppressive Foundation”, “Fake Talk”, and “House of the Deceiver”? I quote William Wordsworth, “Habit rules the unreflecting herd.” Shouldn’t we be reflecting on big tourist dollars and reflecting on things that will bring people to Selma to spend their money instead of making them run for cover or move away? How about that nice River Walk that will take advantage of this fine river and the beautiful views of the most famous bridge in the United States? How about building a nice voting rights museum within walking distance of the River Walk which the entire world can be proud of and people would love to pay $10 a ticket to get in and feel fulfilled when they walk out. How about let’s find some grant money and reinvest it in the storefronts of our downtown historic area. Let’s make Selma a great place so we can attract business’s, jobs, more citizens and tax dollars so that once again we can continue to keep our aging streets, storm, sewer and water mains properly maintained.
Selma, I beg of you. We have been losing population for years. This unity they talk about is not what some of you still think it is. They talk a big game in public, but it’s what they teach in private which we should be worried about. Let’s not lose any more Selmians only to be replaced with Colorado implants filling our job positions and our leadership positions which are vacant as people move away. Let us work together as brothers and sisters to make it so that when Selma makes the news, anyone who is anyone will want to come and visit because they are not only proud of the symbol of the bridge and what it stood for, but also because of the great places that same bridge continues to lead not only Selma, but more importantly the rest of the world in the future. Your city and that bridge could be a glorious beacon shining in a still sometimes dark and oppressive world. I am not saying that anyone should forget Bloody Sunday, no, never forget that day. I’m only saying that it is my hope for all of us to not forget where our path started, but more importantly to focus on where we want our paths to take us.

Joseph Rembert rightly said “I am hoping that we will not lose sight of the trees by overly focusing on the Forrest” and I say “I am hoping that we will not let the weeds overtake the garden.”

Dewayne Allday

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