Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sparrows Fly and Water Falls

By Dewayne Allday
February 18, 2010

A sparrow fell from the sky one day
and stood beside a waterfall.
The sky was grey that day, I say,
And night was on its weary way.
The sparrow knew the night was coming,
And the sparrow’s heart was really longing
For a friend to share the pain, to make again,
To fly the skies, and over sea, and over land.
The water fell, and fell and fell
And the sparrow said, “oh my goodness, well,
If the waterfall, falls, and falls, and falls
And I know God designed it, all in all,
Oh gracious me, oh gracious my,
My God designed me to fly”. So I pondered why and
I questioned Him, and God kissed my heart and said,
“It’s okay to feel again, to fly again, to smile again.
It’s okay to love again, and I’ll tell you something else:
Appreciate the waterfall for what it is, forever falls,
Appreciate the rocks abound and the streams around,
They talk as if in dialog, with the winds, the trees,
The living leaves whispering in your ear my dear,
As if to tell you what you know, a heart so pure,
Must fly again, I only gave you legs, so you could land, but
I gave you song, so you can sing, I gave you eyes, so you can see,
And I gave you heart, so that you can fly,
and your wings are just their alibi.
Beside a rock across the stream there sits
Someone, something, a bird no less, watching
Sunlight glisten through the mist as the water fell,
And I was thinking, “Well. Patience doesn’t love
A lonely heart, two hearts apart, two spirits kindred,
Separated by a stream in spring, where the water falls,
but I know that sparrows were designed to fly,
and I know this day, that I will start working
on this heart of mine. I desire to fly, not walk, or sit
Or talk for very long. I’m designed to sing of flight,
not sadness blight, nor strings or kites,
because I know she’s there, my heart it tells
me faith and love go hand in hand.
And they both got their heart that day,
And now the water fall was in their way,
So both birds took flight into the sky,
And, seeing each other, said “Hi”.
God said, “This time I reached down and helped you up,
And next time you’ll share each other’s cup,
And when one is empty, the other fills,
And you both will understand that water falls
and sparrows fly, and flying is your destiny.”

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