Monday, May 1, 2023

Upcoming 33rd Anniversary of 9/11 1990 New World Order Speech (22nd Twin Towers)

Winston Churchill is by far one of the smartest politicians ever in modern written history, in my opinion. He was more than a politician; he was the prophet of politicians. I say this based on more than my opinion, but off a direct quote from him.  And to back his quote, he himself seems to be one of those who could "see into the future."

"Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen."

This tells me that he was an individual that had a strong gut feeling, some call intuition, for patterns of the distant to recent historical past, as well as a comprehensively deep understanding of the present situations and the trajectory of where those patterns would take "them" or "us" (us because the core elements of his mind, theories and concepts are true even now) in the future if policy, laws and movements were not re-directed to change the future into something better and less evil.  First you have to see it (as he did with Hitler) before you can stop or reverse the process (NAZIs taking over Europe).

Along the same lines as the above statements, he is also quoted as saying,

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see."   People don't change and neither does dangerous ideology, only the names of the people and dangerous ideology change.

And where would Europe and the USA be without Churchill's insight and influence?  What if he had the insight, but was not given the influence?  Germany probably would have taken over all of Europe.

He also understood that most people rather stick their heads in the sand than tackle the responsibility of reflecting and acting on uncomfortable truths as shown in his following wise words:

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."

I wrote two books, one a tome (that no one would have read) and the other a fictionalized version of the tome that I felt would be more attractive to the public and more effectively get the word out. I asked two reputable and scholarly men whom I trusted to read and edit since I have no formal higher college degree, and both said they would not have the time. But, completing the task was not their fault, it was my own. Even with several serious setbacks and stumbles in my life, if only I had remained focused, the book or books could have been completed. This is something that I will have to live with the rest of my life, as it was my sincere heart's desire to get it out years ago and as they say, "Save the World" from what is coming. Many of the events that I predicted years ago have already come true. Some of these predictions regarding China, not Russia, you can see in a series of videos that I uploaded over ten years ago.

In my books, I discussed the fall of the wall of communism as being a complete farce. I saw it well before 2008 when I posted my thoughts on it being a farce back in the earlier days of Facebook. Literally seconds after posting my firewall started going crazy and popups were telling me that my computer firewall was under attack. This was back in the day when Zone alarm literally told you the name of the file and virus that was attacking you. I did a search online for virus and the two attacks were affiliated with software created and owned by a Russian Moscow based software company that at that time had offices all down the East Coast from New York to Atlanta, Georgia. One was a spyware program and the other a keyboard logger. I remember asking myself even way back then why would our intelligence community allow a Russian software company, particularly one that created spyware and keyboard loggers, to even have one office in the United States, much less over a dozen. I remember the pre-Clinton days and prior to Google earth when if you owned a GPS, its accuracy was scrambled to only 100 meters. This makes sense to me. Pubic accessed satellite images were few and fuzzy. Now, the owners of Google who are recent descendants of Moscow, Russian immigrants, have it so as anyone can just about zoom in on a car tag and read the numbers, and in some cases the AI doesn't even blur the tag numbers.

So, seeing patterns and trajectories come true in the future builds confidence in your intuition but when these trajectories and truths come true, it isn't necessarily a pleasant thing in that sometimes these things are not good and when there is yet time for some other far more catastrophic things to come true that you have seen beforehand, and those things are very bad, the knowledge of your past successful projections into the future become frightening. And it feels like you can only stand by helplessly and complain about it.  The truth is it is sometimes better to be left in the dark which leads to a more peaceful disposition but that will not fix the problems, reverse damage done or divert the future into something better and more stable.

That said, my gut is telling me some things that I am hoping is completely wrong about the upcoming 2023 anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.  To my knowledge, these ideas, patterns, connections and affiliations are original and mine alone.

9/11/23 is the 33rd anniversary of George HW Bush’s “New World Order" speech to Congress and 22rd anniversary of (exactly eleven years later) Rockefeller's twin towers being hit by terrorists, while David Rockefeller smoked a cigar and watched it in real time from one of his adjacent high rises (I read this confession by this narcissist bragging about it in his Memoirs by the self-proclaimed internationalist banker David Rockefeller). The terrorists, I believe were given intelligence and help by the Russians/Chinese and/or an American organization infiltrated by Russians and/or Chinese such as the Rockefeller Center (which has very strong historical CCP ties) or a sister organization. Eleven years after that (to the day) the Benghazi attacks occurred. This year of all years is the 33rd anniversary of George Bush’s speech. A few months after George Bush’s speech he gave another speech clarifying what he meant by NWO and discussed that the goals and dreams of the founding members of the United Nations were about to be realized. My question is “Who were the founding members of the UN (the Rockefellers who lobbied and donated the land?) and how long have they been dead and who has replaced this initial power structure?” Even though I am not big into numbers or numerology or symbols, I recognize that to some people certain numbers and symbols that have very special significance.  Thirty-three (33) is one such number.  Nine (9) is divisible by three (3), three (3) times and eleven (11) years apart equals thirty-three (33). 

To my knowledge I am the only person concerned about the potential patterns leading up to the upcoming anniversary of Bush’s 9/11 1990 NWO speech, the 9/11 2001 twin tower attacks and the 9/11 2012 Benghazi attack and the upcoming 9/11 2023 potential attack (33 years total). I did notice one of the planes that pulled people out of Afghanistan last year had the identification number 1109 on the side (what are the odds 1109 = 0911?). Fact, not conspiracy. A bunch of Afghans were chasing the plane, climbing on the outside as it was moving, and some fell off mid-flight. I have asked the question many times about whether or not the clear publicly available knowledge of the disorder of that pull out was strategic and intentional and whether or not the plan and goal was to bring unvetted terrorists who trained in the sands of Afghanistan completely out of reach of the radar of our intelligence community in Afghanization came here with a plan for the upcoming 33rd anniversary of the 1990 NWO speech to Congress on 9/11/23. If I were in the Intelligence Community, I would look into every single person who came back that day and keep an eye on them. The answer is that I don’t know, but I hope that I am completely wrong or that our intelligence community has seen this pattern also and stops any potential terrorist (Chinese/Russian) plan. Whatever the case, this the 33rd year after the initial twin tower attack is full of troubles, much talk and preparation of war and things appear to be escalating to an apex of something.  Is there an organization or state out there who feels the 33rd year will be the capstone attack and fulfilment of their plan?

So hopefully these numbers are all just a coincidence instead of a strategic pattern with purpose, but my fear is that the people who put the idea of a NWO in George Bush’s head actually had a different kind of NWO in mind; one that the US wouldn’t play a role in running. The truth is that Gorbachev discussed the New World Order at the UN General Assembly meeting in Manhattan in 1988, several years before Pres. Bush but only Bush seems to get the credit by our media and other outlets (questionable in itself). We were led to believe that the NWO was Bush's idea when it appears he was following someone else's lead instead of being a leader himself.  What that means is that if you are not the leader, it is someone else's long term vision that will come into being.  Gary Hart stated several times in one of his books (did he know and was he a part of it?  After all, he did have a weakness for women and spent months and months over years in Moscow and writing for a major Moscow based newspaper) that perhaps Gorbachev had a blueprint. And, I don't believe it was a blueprint to be a passive or submissive country.  Even after the fall, he was quoted as being a dedicated Socialist.  Lenin believed in world communism and spoke of it often.  The Soviet KGB clearly understood that a person with "charisma" can be used as a tool to infiltrate and destroy the enemy better than bombs can. Even the Greeks in their quest to conquer Troy were aware of a "Trojan Horse" strategy of giving "gifts." Charisma is a tool that is of the same Trojan Horse nature as it slips in undetected and takes off the guard of its enemies.  The story of Sampson in the Bible speaks of even the secrets that destroyed him were willingly given to his traitor bride through his weakness of love and trust.  Look at what Henry Kissinger accomplished with his intelligence and charisma by advising so many of our former Presidents and intelligence agencies that if he were secretly affiliated with the old Soviet block of Germany, we would be in serious trouble.  And we are. Look what our own government has allowed him to do as his private globalist consulting business, that by law, can never be audited by our own intelligence community.  How is that possible?  He consulted advice to other countries to help them "rise." This includes China and likely Russia as well.  Even if our intelligence community thought that giving him that "inside scoop" might give them information, what if the information he was giving them was falsified or what if the things he told the Chinese helped them rise, build their cities, their military and their intelligence, so that one day that might come back and take over the world?

In order for Gorbachev's blueprint (that Gary Hart seemed all too fascinated with in his book) to happen, certain people had to be neutralized. In my opinion, James Jesus Angleton who ran the CIA counterintelligence program for many years, had to be fired and those who were being the firing were either heavily influenced by the Soviets or in alignment with them. I have watched this man and his words and body language very closely, and I am usually a good reader of body language, and this guy loved our country and, in my opinion, was telling the truth that were in serious danger as one system (communism) was attempting to take over our own culture and system in the world.

One of Angleton's beliefs align with my own, and I only recently the past two years realized that his ideas aligned with mine. All of these years, I thought that I was the only who to believe it, and that it was an original idea in my own head outside of the Soviets who internally were aware of their own strategy and this "Peace Trojan Horse" which was and is a lie.  To this day they will lie and blame it on NATO expansion, but that's just a continual distraction of the truth - they were planning it all along. 

That is that the fall of the wall was a complete farce all along intended to strategically take our guards down (and it worked!) while the enemy secretly plotted to take over the world and at some point, make their move. Angleton acquired some of this knowledge from Anatoliy Golitsyn who wrote the books The Perestroika Deception and New Lies for Old. Golitsyn escaped the KGB and attempted to tell our own CIA of the Soviet plots to pretend to give up stake in the world order and have no desire to gain back past glories. In my opinion, all the mudslinging against these two men to discredit them was to destroy their influence because they were telling the truth. In effect, they were in the way and had to go. And the Soviets won. Let's face it, if Golitsyn was telling lies, why would the Soviets want him to go?  Why would they want to take him out?  Why would they want to neutralize him? Why would they want to neutralize Angleton?

J.R. Nyquist said it this way,“I have written many essays detailing the facts about this so-called “collapse of communism.” In all that time nobody wrote a detailed argument showing I was wrong. They just repeated slogans the communists had given them. In fact, those who warned about the coming fake collapse of communism – James Angleton and Anatoliy Golitsyn – were not dealt with by rational argument. They were libeled in books whose authors did the talk show circuit. They were dragged through the mud and called madmen by leading conservatives like William F. Buckley, Jr. But there was no rational argument against their true predictions of the future. Angleton and Golitsyn had been right. And now the end of the long range strategy is upon us.

Another escaped Soviet Spy, KGB defector, who was on to the Soviet's internal strategy, escaped the system, and later lectured at universities and gave television interviews was Yuri Bezmenov. This man would have to be discredited and neutralized also. Angleton's neutralization was to lose his job, influence and reputation with the CIA and the torment of having to live the rest of his life, drinking and thinking of the powers trying to take out the country and way of life that he loved so much. Golitsyn, to my knowledge, was in hiding and had protective cover until his death, but he and his ideas were neutralized by propaganda and discreditation. Yuri Bezmenov, I believe was neutralized by assassination when he went on a planned trip that the Soviet's became aware of to visit his child and divorced wife on Christmas. Reportedly, he suffered a heart attack or some nonsense, but I do not believe it, and even if it was, I believe he was given something to take him out that way. Everyone who knew of their plan and tried to stop it, had to be neutralized, one way or another.

We only have a little over four months to September 11th (33rd anniversary of twin tower attacks) to find out if it is all just a coincidence. BTW, Columbia University wrote the following piece and if there was ever a communist political university in the US, it is certainly Rockefeller influenced Columbia University, the university that I consider the very politically active World Communist University.

The unfortunate truth is that the majority of people's minds are lazy and try to dodge controversy, if possible, even if that means to believe lies that bring comfort and runaway from truth that brings discomfort. Love of country has to overcome these discomforts for the sake of the survival of our people and their peaceful and potentially prosperous way of life.  At least the idea of having a good life brings about production. If everyone was equal and no chance of rising above, it would be a very boring and unproductive life, such as what happened to the Communist State-run economy of the Soviet Union. No one could rise above, and they knew it so all things were melancholy and all production in all sectors (unless you were a politician and corrupt) barely low level mediocre.  The Soviets finally figured out the system was failing and even they turned their economy into a capitalistic one whiel retaining central power and communist politics, just as China figured it out when Kissinger pushed for them to enter the World Trade Organization, which long term and combined with Bill Clinton's policies of the 90s, crippled us all.

Months after President George HW Bush's speech to Congress about the NWO on 9/11/1990, he gave another speech about the NWO where he stated that soon the ideas and goals of the founding members of the United Nations would be realized. My question is whether these people (now dead, but whose organizations and monetary influence still likely exist through trusts and organizations etc.)? My second question is, "Were these people led by their idealism or was it their idealism of a new world order that allowed them to be easily influenced by the Soviet's and Lenin's idea of world communism?  Or were they just downright criminals who wanted to see the US fall and lose its leadership position in the world?

And lastly, to quote Sir Winston (my biggest political hero of the past hundred years):

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

What he is saying here is based on a similar quote of his when he surmised that calamity could have easily been prevented if things (laws, etc) were put into place well in advance, instead of waiting until the day the emergency comes and at that time issue knew jerk impulsive reactions that will require a lot of money, energy and bloodshed.  While it is fantastic that Sir Churchill left behind his words and wisdom, I'm confident that he is now rolling in his grave that no one is listening to his very wise words.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Shadow's Free

by Dewayne Allday 

12 November 2022

A dule of spying dove,

hovered out of reach, 

above, else they be eaten,

by the Shadow.

They had watched a friend

get swallowed up as

Shadow's nose, mouth, 

and friend pointed up,

dropped into Shadow's belly

in one triumphant gulp.

Excitement, freedom,

no more fences.

Admiration for wildness,

nature in uncompromised form,

perplexing perceived flaws,

all of which, cut into stone by

by natural dog bona fide laws;

unregulated, untamed,

and equally unapologetic

and forgotten by domestication.

Survival was a pack

that he had lost.

The dove hoped for kindness,

in their own way,

but kindness Shadow knew not.

His blood controlled him,

his nature remained with him,

so, he was dark, elusive, 

untamable, and hence 

even Peter Pan tossed him away.

Shadow never boasted;

wildness his only desire,

to eat, sleep, procreate

was to be free;

the only thing he knew

or would ever know. 

Bonds with humans or

any human association

against his nature.

He simply is and 

there was nothing else.

Wendy Darling was

no darling in his eyes.

Not in his blood was love,

but untamed wildness was.

Bad blood untamable, yet

that blood was his alone,

at no fault of him.

Blameless in his ferociousness,

he understood nature

when no one else did.

Only once he wagged his tail

upon crossing that

 narrow bridge to hell.

At the crossroads was a sign

that pointed nowhere,

confusing all.

It simply said, 

"Shadow Left,"

and below that, 

"Hell to him was heaven."

Monday, January 2, 2023

"The Path to Power" by JD Flowers

The following four-page story was hand-written by JD Flowers of Sweet Water, Alabama on lined looseleaf paper with a 5-punched left margin.  It is unknown whether he wrote it himself or copied it from a book or other media (there is no indication).  Whatever the case, it was important enough to JD to handwrite a 4-paged copy on lined notebook paper which is now aged a nice yellow-brown color.  Date unknown.  The four pages are transcribed below.  If anyone knows of a published source for this, please let me know.

"The Path to Power

One of the greatest drives in the heart of man is the desire for power.  Used for good, this desire can bring happiness; or when used for selfish purposes, it can ruin a life.  I have a story to tell of a young man who traveled on the path to power.  He wasn't especially rich or intelligent.  He had no special talent, or so he thought.

The boy was drifting on the highway when he came to a side road.  At this point a sign had been erected upon a gate, saying, "To Power - Knock and enter."  This was queer.  Wasn't he on the wide, paved road that so many people before him had taken to success?  The city of Pleasure and Good Times was ahead.  Here was a narrow way promising power to its followers.  He could not see beyond the promise unless he ventured through the gate.  He could not follow this new road because of an immobilizing fear of the unknown, neither could he bring himself to drift farther.

It was a hard decision to make, this choice between two roads.  Then quietly a voice from old Sunday School days seemed to whisper, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."  But I just want power.  Do I have to do the rest?  I want to be the strongest person in town - or do I?  Do I really know the meaning of power?

Each day he searched out truth on what constituted genuine power.  More and more he came to depend on the Bible as a guide in his studies.  Gradually his desire for power grew into a passion to know the truth.  "If I will ever be rid of this doubt, I must know the truth."  "Are there really two kinds of power?  In Psalms 62:11 I find 'Power belongs until God.'  Lasting power is from above.  The victories I win in life will depend upon how faithful I am to my God."

"Lord, I have been on the wrong way."  He knocked upon the gate, which opened to the path to power.

Along this path he learned humility.  "I will run,"  he thought, but the road was built of rough stones.  He walked.  When he would have sat on the grass to rest there were thorns.  He could not do as he wished along this trail and get anywhere.  Instead, he meekly accepted the existing circumstances and forged ahead.

Prayer and perseverance became the backbone of his journey. He first leane3d to pray when he was in trouble.  Soon prayers of thankfulness were coming from his heart.  Prayer provided strength for him to climb the many hills.  Slowly fears began to disappear. He was not without temptations, but through ceaseless prayer many were overcome.

The path was not so isolated from the rest of the world that he lost contact with other people.  Some were on the path; some were on the highway.  Since his heart had been enclosed with a spirit of meekness, the man could see that his brother's eccentricities were no worse than his own.  A love for and better understanding of his neighbor resulted.  A desire to rid his life of those evil influences which would be a hinderance to observers was created.  His new Christian love was really beginning to grow.

One night he had a dream.  He had reached the center of a rocky peak overlooking green meadows and was in a deep study.  He had come this far without learning for what purpose power is granted.

He cast his eyes across the fields and saw a flock of sheep, wandering aimlessly.  No shepherd could be found.  "I cannot leave their sheep alone and exposed to the perils of the night.  I must care for them until the owner comes," and he arose to do his work.

This man has gained a new happiness in life, for he has received power from the Holy Spirit - power to serve."

Saturday, December 17, 2022

The Rebirth of Althaus


The Rebirth of Althaus

by Dewayne Allday

 There once was a man named Althaus who lived in a swamp.   The swamp hardened him.  Swamp hardness was all he knew and he was a prideful man... as prideful as anyone could be who lived in a swamp and only knew swamp things.

Full sun never fell there and neither on Althaus or his wife Nisha.  There was swamp filtered light seen through thick branches and murky fog.  Since Althaus did not know light, he did not understand light.  But, the shadows, dampness and dangers of the swamp were well known to him.  To Althaus, light was as foreign as love.

There were dangers like snakes and alligators, quagmires and quicksand, but worse were the mosquitoes which tortured you yet allowed you to live another day of suffering.  And, there were very large turtles that occasionally mistook a toe for a snack of worm.  Althaus was particularly lucky because he still had seven toes.  His less fortunate friends told him it was providence but he had no immediate belief in the idea.  And, there was the panther.  Whether black or brown was unimportant but what mattered most were his teeth and claws.   To Althaus and Nisha, these swampy dangers were simply life.

And, then there was the dragon.  It was said the beast had a forked red tongue that extended out like twin serpents and its scales were so dark red they appeared black among the shadows as he walked along the old cypress knees guarding the swamp boundary.  When he steps out into the filtered light a glimpse of his dark reddish-black glossy scales shows forth.  It was said the glossy-slick scales gave better dynamics as he could fly quite efficiently to catch wanted prey. Althaus feared facing the dragon most.... as such a rendezvous with fate he believed himself to not have the courage or the strength.  Everyone in the swamp knew about the dragon deep in the swamp and few wanted to face him.  Those who braved the swamp boundary before were said to have disappeared into the next life... or into his belly. 

Not all things in the swamp were bad, after all, despite the darkness, mosquitoes and misery, there were other swamp people and the occasional deer, Blue Heron, Swamp Sparrow or colorful woodpecker.  He sometimes imagined the old cypress trees as ancient living creatures full of wisdom that he did not have himself. 

Nisha became with child gave birth to a beautiful daughter with pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes - their first child.  When she arrived, he felt joy briefly soon followed by grief.  The birth was difficult and almost as soon as this new life appeared, Nisha's life faded into the dark night.  The entire swamp grieved at the old and rejoiced for the new simultaneously.  Althaus named the girl Etxeberria.

Now, Etxe was stronger than most and thrived through the years despite the harsh surroundings.  Her blonde hair and blue eyes were radiant, and her light permeated all the swamp's darkness and shadows.  She certainly was different.   Althaus noticed she asked honest, yet blunt questions.  Children usually do.

"What is outside of the swamp?" she asked him one day.

"Nothing," he replied.  "The swamp is all we know.  The swamp is all there is."

"But father, I've heard the frogs talk of a new place of light and beauty.  They cannot go because it will dry out their skin but we can," she said.

"The frogs will say anything to tease you Etxe."

"But father, the frogs are not liars like the snakes."

"Have they told you about the dragon who lives near the edge.. near the cypress knees?"

"Yes.  They, also told me we have to be strong and face him," she replied.

"Well, I don't know about that young lady," said Althaus.  "Who is strong enough?  Who has a sword powerful enough?"

"You are!  I am!" she said with youthful exuberance.  "I believe in you!  And you don't need a big sword but instead a big heart!  The frogs said that we would thrive in the light and must not stay in the swamp forever. It's their fate but not our fate.  We have a choice!"

"You cannot pass into the light without first defeating the dragon, perhaps dragons," Althaus said.

"It is said that One defeated the dragon on our behalf years ago and you have to have faith and believe," Etxe retorted.

Althaus considered her proposal briefly.  "What is faith?" he asked himself.  "And, what do kids know?"

"Let's talk about it another day," he told her.  "We must find food for today, not light for tomorrow.  Besides, the frogs have told you they like it here.  I'm sure the alligators and snakes will say the same."

"But the alligators try to eat me, and snakes try to deceive me and the mosquitoes bite me!!  The frogs are friends and tell me of a better place, whereas they cannot go but briefly, but we can!  Please father!   Let us make the trip soon before the dragon grows triumphant in our minds."

Althaus looked down and saw that her smile seemed brighter and her eyes were beaming something... Maybe light?  The old man's demeanor was changing and so was his heart.  If he was to find this faith Etxe spoke of, he must first find some courage.  "Change is scarier than snakes, alligators and dragons," he thought to himself.

"I need you to be strong for me now so later I may be strong for many," she said. 

Althaus thought to himself, "One day she will be a mother.  If she is to be strong later, I need to be stronger now!  Perhaps strong enough to fight a dragon or two! " Etxe's words seemed to lighten his heart.  She was so young, yet so wise - wiser than the ancient beings in the old cypress trees.  He had listened to the snakes too long!

"I do not know what I do not know but I am willing to defeat the dragons for you," Althaus said.

"Go for you.  Go for me.  Go for us.  Go for it!  Have faith!  Father, the strength of those before us will give us the courage we need," Etxe said. "Our ancestors reside inside us.  We simply have to pay attention to their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.  Ride the strengths, protect and sharpen the weaknesses.  Respect but conquer the vices!"

"How in the swamp would a kid know these things?" Althaus thought.  "It is as if she is as old as time itself."

There was much darkness in the swamp but the light in Etxe's words seemed to lift the fog and lighten the dark.  Instinctively, he noticed a bright star in the east through the dense cypress understory. 

"The frogs say the star is the way but the snakes say we should stay," she said.

"Then, let us listen to the frogs!  Let us follow the star!" Althaus said and clasped her hand as they began their journey.

They waded the water, the traversed the muck, they dodged the alligators and slapped the mosquitoes. 

"It's always easier to follow the old trails than the new.  The old ones are well worn and well known to us, therefore easy.  It's habit.  The new trails are always harder at first because you have to blaze the trail and open them up.  That takes work and time.  But it gets easier, and the old trails grow up with vines and brambles never to be found again," she said.

"Again, how does she know these things?" he thought to himself.

Finally, after days of travel, they began walking on dry ground and soon walked near a serpent who said, "Stop! There's a dragon up ahead.  Why abandon this place?  The swamp is everything you know, and you only know what you know."

"If we stay here, we will certainly die, just as my wife died," Althaus replied to the serpent.

"You will not surely die," the serpent said. "The dragon protects the boundary of his land, and you will certainly be safe within it.  Pay no attention to the mosquitoes, the alligators, the other serpents and especially those pesky frogs!  Stop right there or you will be dead!"

But Althaus just stepped on his head and stuck to his commitment to conquer his dragons and reach the Light.  He would not listen to the snakes any longer.

Once near the edge of the cypress trees and knees, Etxe said, "Father, have faith in the Light."

"I do," he said.  And, this time, he believed her.  It turns out there were several dragons but he valiantly and successfully fought them all.  He did it for her mostly but also for himself.  Together they transcended the darkness into the light.  Rebirthed as they stepped out with all of time in front of them.

And except for the occasional mosquito, the light and new path were good.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


I have built a wall,
and hearts bounce off
as arrows off stone.
A mighty fortress -
I'll die here alone.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Grass is Greener

Pretending the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence isn't always a reality, but happiness comes when you figure out how to make the grass much greener on your side of the fence and carry that with you wherever you go.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I Can Wait

By Dewayne Allday

I could love a hundred, or I will love the one.
The past is a darkness reversed, yet not undone.
Time breaks beating hearts, yet time also repairs.
It heals the hard heart that’s weary of despair.

The dark rain clouds float by as I let them all go.
Sweet scents swirl around me and opportunities follow.
Summer kisses winter months ‘tis the seasons of change.
How I long for that day when this heart is un-caged.

I can wait for her because yesterday I did not.
The past mistakes of life have traversed these old knots.
I can wait because age and patience grows wise -
I’ve read my own book and there will be no more cries.

A hundred to one, no - two lovers become one.
The clouds soon depart exposing the sun.
And the smiles of friendship, a lifetime forever,
Laughing together, through storms and good weather.

I can wait, I will wait, I am waiting.

Monday, November 14, 2016

'Tis Time Two Blooms

By Dewayne Allday

A flower blooms when it's time,
And in the cellar rests fine wines.

A dream awakens before my death,
Awaits the mouth, oh sweetest breath.

The sun will rise, and it will set,
Between we shined, between we wept.

A hand reached out with tender vibes,
A silent whisper silenced cries.

The colors swirled around her heart,
A cellar door kept them apart.

The flower feared the bloom be cut,
It withered still - time withered much.

Pain set in stone, two softened hearts,
Two fine wines, two blooms apart.

The mind plays tricks on the soul,
And the heart does as it is told.

Absent a Celestial Body

By Dewayne Allday

A planet missing from my view,
But there just the same -
Oh, I know.
The gravity of its tugging
Is pulling down bricks;
One lick, two licks, three bricks,
A wall built with time,
Hiding nothing but the other side
To give, receive or reciprocated,
Except a feeling of colorful
Surprises to be explored
As the dampness of the morning dew
Grows weary, reflecting off the dry grass
In a summertime of coldness
And a wintertime of warmth;
A ball of fire that dances in the sky,
Bubbling with vivacity, yet
Hiding in the shadows unforeseen
For various reasons,
To everyone, especially myself;
Because I dare not see it,

Lest I am blinded forever more.

Calm the Storm

By Dewayne Allday 10/20/2016

Calm the storm, my ship is worn,
My sinful sails singed and torn.

Slow the winds, that skew my path,
Turn it true is what I ask.

Remove the rocks, that tear my bow,
Give me wisdom – teach me how.

Bright my light, that weakens still,
Restore the oil, be it your will.

Strengthen my keel, rock to and fro,
Thicken my skin, I need it so.

Roughen my deck, slippery and wet,
Lighten the falls of this old wretch.

Peace be still, I listen now,
I question why, I ever doubt.

Brighten the skies, the clouds depart,
Lord strengthen and protect my heart.

Light by day and lighthouse by dark,
You are my hope, You are my Ark.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Time is my Lover

By Dewayne Allday

Time is my lover, but is time my friend?
It chases me until I pursue it back -
The beauty of its essence intriguing.
Its soft warm breath tingles my neck,
Searching for that tender soft place
that brings balance to casual chaos.
It searches me, embraces me, empowers me,
Yet enslaves me and for what purpose,
My eyes have yet to become conscious of,
Yet my body still reaps the sub-conscious.
I can’t be still - I pace the floor,
Back and forth, to and fro,
I wonder still in restless nights,
Why time keeps me awake.
Pondering still her sifting angles
That steals and sets my evenings late.
And if it’s not love, inter-tangled,
As a vine intertwined with a tree,
Then what other love is this vine,
Divine, forever and always,
Intermingled in my heart and mind,
As if the heart and mind are one -
Time being their mediator.
Time is my lover, but is time my friend?
Sometimes I wonder.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Path

By Dewayne Allday

Hickories and hollows
And bygones of tomorrows -
Sifting myself
from the past.

Yesterday begets today
And today next week -
Intertwined and immortalized
as prophetic speak.

Hyssops and hiccups
And struggles and missteps –
Separating the wheat
From the chaff.

A sunrise, a sunset
A new day, the same path –
Forewarned and well worn
Of the danger I hath.

Roses and poses
A broken compass unsure –
A tree’s moss on the north;
A man’s faith - a cure.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

"Journey to Bondage” Bridge


Dale Carnegie is quoted as saying “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”

Today I ask you to get busy because unwanted changed is coming to Selma. While it may appear on the surface that the rest of the country wants this change, when you look deeper into the situation and start talking with local people of all colors, you come to realize that something is off. Then when you look even deeper into who is instigating this change and the rewards they will receive if the change comes, then you’re getting closer to the truth.

The most famous bridge in the world is close to being renamed to the “Journey to Freedom Bridge”. On Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 The Alabama Senate on Wednesday voted to rename Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge. Senator Hank Sanders is sponsoring this bill.

It’s not Senator Sander’s sponsorship of the bill that alarms me as much as the real wizard behind the
curtain. The organization “Students UNITE” are the puppets in this game. They collected the 180,000
signatures on a petition urging the renaming, but the real wizard, in my opinion, is their parent organization The Freedom Foundation. Yes, the cult.
So when you look at the name “Freedom Foundation” and you look at “The Journey to Freedom Bridge” which is the proposed new name, you can see an obvious connection to the narcissism of the cult. Also,
if you understand anything about cults, business and marketing, you can see this will be the cult’s biggest recruiting scam yet.

In society today, the inaction of good people seems to be disproportionately lagging behind the action of groups promoting mendacious propaganda. People forget that anyone can speak the truth, but as an old Sunday school teacher once told me “It’s not what you do, but it’s your motives that count”.

A guy by the name of Haile Selassie said; “Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of

the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.”  Sounds good on the surface but in looking further, we see that Haile Selassie was the Emperor of Ethiopia and millions of people still believe and worship him as Christ - God Incarnate, even though he publically denied being a divine entity.

We must be very careful who we follow and pledge our support to.

2 Corinthians 11:14 says “even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light”.

That said, I beg you to contact your state representatives ASAP. Call today. The bill still has to pass the House of Representatives and be signed into law by the governor. Don’t wait until tomorrow.

Write letters, flood their offices with calls, or speak to them face to face.  We cannot with good conscious allow this travesty to occur. We cannot allow a nationally recognized cult to prosper and grow off of the backs of the real foot soldiers that crossed that

bridge and made a real difference decades back. Cults are not about freedom, but instead bondage, using manipulating and controlling tactics to both recruit and retain members.

John F. Kennedy once said, “There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.”

It’s the group Student’s Unite striking down the idea of renaming the bridge after civil rights activist Amelia Boynton or U.S. Rep. John Lewis and instead pushing the “Journey to Freedom” name
that should make their motives seem obvious. That old quote from my Sunday school teacher is ringing

loudly.“ It’s not about those who crossed the bridge, it’s about the cult.
 I’ll leave you with some words of wisdom from Martin Luther King, Jr., “He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”
Dewayne Allday

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Food For Thought

The Eternal Diet
What does our diet have to do with Jesus and eternity?  Well let’s consider that the answer lies in abstract way of thinking called analogies which Jesus used in the form of “parables” with many of his teachings.  Ironically, many philosophers through the ages were abstract thinkers and also used analogies.  One main difference between the Philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato who even taught their students how to “think” abstractly and Jesus was that Jesus often made analogical comparisons between earthy things which his students could relate to and the things of God and Heaven which they could not relate to as easily or at all. 
Food for Thought
Sometimes the things that are really good for us we avoid like the plague.  Better said, the things that are often bad for us we run to even though it could have plague like effects on our lives.  This includes situations that are bad for us, food that is bad for us, drinks that are bad for us and even people who are bad for us.  The things that are good for us we avoid.
So if I were to compare “food” to “truth” it would be considered an analogy.
“The truth is like healthy food. Most people run from it and get offended if you try to force them to eat it.  They have to make the decision to eat it for themselves.”
In the early years of my adulthood I drank a lot of soft drinks, and ate a lot of unhealthy foods.  My skin was pale, I got sick several times a year, and the sugar and citric acid in the soft drinks caused cavities.  In my late 20’s I cut back to around 3 soft drinks a day and by my mid 30’s there were weeks where I stopped drinking them all together or cut back to one a day.  In the last few years I have significantly changed my diet in a healthier direction. 

I remember my parents fussing at me for the way I ate and about all the soft drinks.  I was hard headed and did what I wanted, thinking I knew better.  This was only compounded by people who said such things as “I will die one day anyway, so why not eat and drink what I want?”.  Also, when you’re young, you are not thinking about death or about feeling good and healthy in the golden years of old age.  You are in the "here and now".  What does it matter if you die of a heart attack when you’re only 60 years old if that is 40 years away?  
For some of us, it takes a while for the word “death” to sink in.  It takes us a while to desire “healthy” things and to recognize the food, drinks and “other things” that are hurting us physically, mentally, and even spiritually. 

There are times when we blame others, but after we become adults, it’s time to take responsibility for our actions and change them.  This is nothing that someone can convince us of, but something we must chose for ourselves.  However, when you reach that pivoting point in your life, like me, you will probably look back and see the people who loved you and tried to help you by giving you good advice that you threw their wisdom  away.  
Seeds of Wisdom
“Being a novice gardener, I’ve noticed that the seeds I plant do not always come up.  Sometimes they’ve been planted in the wrong season, sometimes they’ve not been watered enough, sometimes I’ve planted them too deep in the soil, or maybe too shallow; sometimes the soil was either too fertilized or not fertilized enough and sometimes there were just too many other seeds in the soil such as various grasses and undesired weeds that overpowered the seeds and chocked out the plants as they tried to come up.  I will not let it bother me though, I will keep planting the seeds and try to learn more about gardening and one day the seeds I plant will come up and prosper.  On that day, I will be very happy.”
The key to successful analogies and parables is connecting with the audience.  Back in the day of Jesus everyone was familiar with gardening and so there were a lot of parables about seeds and the harvest which played an important part in everyday life.  Also, water did not just flow out of faucets like our modern day water sources, people had to visit the an open well on a daily basis.  Basically food and water was at the very front of their minds.  That’s why Jesus was such a genius in his teachings, well, that and because He was God.  He took ideas that people could relate to and transferred them into eternal truths.
The Israelites were Thirsty
Getting water wasn’t an easy a task when the Israelites left slavery behind for their mass Exodus into the wilderness.  There were times when they lost their faith and actually desired to go back to slavery and considered it an easier and more desired path in life.  Going back into slavery was considered easier than the freedom that was right in front of them.
In Exodus 17:3 we see that:
“But the people were thirsty for water there, and they grumbled against Moses. They said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to make us and our children and livestock die of thirst?””
In Matthew 5:6 we find that Jesus said:
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. “
So here he is describing those who are hungry for God; he is telling us that God is available for them.  For only God is righteous.  Only God is Holy.  Only God is perfect.  This is a promise that those who hunger and search for the “true food and water; eternity” that they will have it.
David Thirsted for God 
“I spread out my hands to you; I thirst for you like a parched land.”
~Psalm 143:6
If it’s true that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled than imagine a man who was so thirsty for God that he equated his thirst for God to a parched land?  When the land is dry and the rains come the land will soak it right up.  If you read the Psalm’s of David, you will see that David thirsted for God probably more than anyone else in the Bible.  He talked with God on a regular basis.  He not only talked to God, but he often “cried out” to God.
Likewise, David was a man after God’s own heart and it was through the decedents of David that God brought us the Messiah, Jesus.  A man after God’s own heart possibly because he thirsted for God like a parched land.
“After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.’
“From this man’s descendants God has brought to Israel the Savior Jesus, as he promised.”
~Acts 13:22-26 (NIV)
Eternal Life Giving Water and Food
““Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.””
~John 4:11-15
Again, Jesus with the parables relating to thirst, he approached a Samaritan women at a well.  Jews normally didn’t associate with Samaritans and this particular Samaritan was offered the same eternal life that Jesus offered the Jews.  This particular woman had a very sinful past (and present), neither was she a Jew, yet the Lord offered her the same gift that he offered his own people:  water with eternal life attached.  This analogy tells us that eternal life is available to even the worst sinners of all nations.
The Path is through Jesus, the Son of God
“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
~John 6:35
Once again, Jesus tells us through the use of an analogy that believing in him can quench our “spiritual” hunger and thirst for all of eternity.
“On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”
~John 7:37
Famines of Spiritual Food and Water
““The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign Lord, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.”
~Amos 8:11
There have been times of spiritual famine throughout the modern age.  According to scripture there is a very large famine coming.  There is going to be a time of great falling away from God’s Church.  This will be a time filled with evil and false prophets who water down and twist the Word of God.  It will be a time when fewer and fewer people are going to church and beign productive members of society.  It will be a time when people think they are empathetic to others yet they will not even have the strength to help themselves with their own issues much less help others with theirs.  The unhealthy spiritual food given out during this phase of history is unhealthy and will be no substitute for the real food that Jesus has promised is available to all of us.  In one line of thinking one might argue that it’s of no fault of our own that God brought a famine and we didn’t hear the word of God, but a more solid argument would be that we brought on the famine in our lives by accepting an unhealthy substitute of food instead of the real eternal life giving food that God offers.  Despite all the deception and all the false prophets in the world, there are still plenty of Bible’s and there is plenty of time to read, and plenty of time to pray to God for discernment and wisdom and enlightenment during dark times.  We are still able to pray and to seek God’s face.  It is our choice to be distracted with other things.  It’s our choice to hang out with people who constantly commit blasphemy against God and try to side track you from Him.
What Amos was speaking of wasn’t the first and it will not be the last time famines have spread throughout the world.  God did not provide the famine that Amos is speaking of.  Society is getting further and further off the true path.  Even though statistically there are a decent percentage of people who say they believe in God, we can tell by the “fruits” of society that something is very wrong.  I’m convinced that we’ve brought this famine on ourselves.  However, one by one, we have a choice every day to get things headed back in the right direction.
The Free Gift of Life
“It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.”
~Revelation 21:6
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
~Revelation 22:17
Don’t Run from the Truth
“The truth can hurt at first, but it can also set you free and afterwards bring health and happiness.  We are responsible for our own actions.”
Sometimes we run from the food that is good for us and substitute those things that are bad for us.  The bad food tastes very good, but long term it will clog our arteries, slow down our mental functions and ultimately kill us.  How many times have we run from the truth?  So many times.  The truth makes us uncomfortable.  When it is spoken we ignore it.  We run to the “bad foods”.  Let’s accept that we are responsible for our own actions and search after the “good food”.
Be True to the End
“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
~Matthew 24:12-16
Eat your Broccoli
“Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ.  I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it.”
~1 Corinthians 3:1-3
When we were kids we did not like healthy food.  We despised and ran from even the smell of Broccoli (insert other disliked healthy food here).  Likewise, even the smell of truth can make us uncomfortable and we dodge it like the plague.  When we hear it we will often close off our ears and our hearts.  If it’s a book, we will often quit reading it.  If it’s a friend, we will stop hanging out with them and even cut off the relationship.  If it's a family member, we will dodge them.  If it’s a speech or sermon, we will either get up and leave instantly, close off our ears or we will not go back to listen to that person again.” 
 It’s time to grow up and start eating and drinking healthy life giving food and water.  Seek God’s face and He will show it to you in his Word, the Bible.  It can’t be forced upon you.  It’s your choice to eat the healthy foods of God or the unhealthy foods of this world. 
This bible says that everyone knows in their heart that there is a God.   If this is true, and I believe it is, then there is no excuse.  It’s a choice.  If we’ve been exposed to it, then it’s a choice.  We have a chance every day to make a choice for a better lifestyle and a better eternity.  It’s time to extend our life into the next.