By Dewayne
I could love
a hundred, or I will love the one.
The past is
a darkness reversed, yet not undone.
Time breaks beating
hearts, yet time also repairs.
It heals the
hard heart that’s weary of despair.
The dark rain
clouds float by as I let them all go.
Sweet scents
swirl around me and opportunities follow.
kisses winter months ‘tis the seasons of change.
How I long for
that day when this heart is un-caged.
I can wait
for her because yesterday I did not.
The past mistakes
of life have traversed these old knots.
I can wait
because age and patience grows wise -
I’ve read my
own book and there will be no more cries.
A hundred to
one, no - two lovers become one.
The clouds soon
depart exposing the sun.
And the smiles
of friendship, a lifetime forever,
Laughing together,
through storms and good weather.
I can wait,
I will wait, I am waiting.