Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Transfer Funds and Power Straight to China

The have nots are always so eager to take from the haves, at least many times this is the case.  People call it a "transfer of wealth".  It's only when we see this transfer of wealth and power happening between our country and another country that we recognize that "transfer of wealth" might not be all that highly rated.

How is it that China is growing stronger, more powerful, wealthier and more politically active in the world and the United States and Europe appears to be in decline?  Is it unpatriotic to say that.  No, it's unpatriotic to notice it and not try to stop it.

If you've ever put a dead battery into a flashlight with a new battery in the hopes that your flashlight will work as if two good batteries are inside, you will be quick to discover that the dead battery actually pulls the good battery down to it's level very quickly and then you you have is a dead battery.

So, what will it be like when things get tough within a nation (s) that is used to being spoiled, fast food eateries, plenty of gas money for sunday drives, vacations etc... ? Not a good picture.

A transfer of wealth, industry, money and political power is being transferred from us (the U.S.) to them (China) and that's not a good thing for us, and not good for democracy and freedom.  It's a very sad day when someone sells out to the enemy.  The trade agreements with China are just that.  The NAFTA with Mexico is different.  They won't get too much out of line if we get in a disagreement with them (Mexico), but China, human rights violations, communist government, state run media, arrest you on suspicion and lock you up without a trial China?

To think that a China man in a communist country that's dominated by highly scrutinized government ran media is going to buy an American made t-shirt when we are getting to the point that we can't even afford an American made t-shirt is beyond believable.  Why would he/she?  We don't even buy them.  Does Walmart even sell American made clothes anymore?  I haven't seen any in a while.

My argument is this?  If there is a $10 t-shirt that's made in China and a $15 dollar t-shirt on the rack at Walmart that's made in the U.S.A. what will the majority of people buy?  Ok, the $10 shirt.  So, let's think about this transfer of wealth theory of mine for a minute.  The factory in the U.S. that makes the $15 t-shirt has got to compete with the cheaper Chinese t-shirt so in order for that factory not to complete shut down (laying off every worker in the process) they must do one of two things: 1) hire cheaper workers or 2) buy a machine that makes the t-shirts instead of having so many employees.  What I am saying doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand, just some common sense.  China's workforce is poor but we've opened a huge market for them.  They have saturated our markets with their "cheaper" goods.  Now while this has allowed them to actually open up more factories, and even pay their people better wages, at the same time, just like the dead battery analogy I mentioned earlier, our wages on average, have to drop.

So, China is opening up factories as well as some of the other "poor" countries such as India and Mexico.  Our wages have to decrease for our factories to stay open and at the same time, their salaries increase.  Make sense?  The other thing that is screwed up about the trade agreements is that many businesses and factories are now "outsourcing" goods that they used to make "in-house" to other countries and having those goods imported in cheaper than they can make it here in the states.   Again, that equates to more people working in other countries and less in our own.  The debate they tell us to justify the world trade agreements is that the Chinese and the Mexicans will buy our goods therefore all of this will balance out.  Seriously, how brainwashed are we?  Propaganda, people still believe that everything you hear must be true as if it was written in stone, but it's not.  Do you really think a Mexican in Mexico is going to buy many of the things we make here?  Do you know how poor 95% of mexico is?  Does anyone really think that more than 1% of the Chinese are going to buy our products when we can't even sell them cheaper within our own borders, must less come anywhere close to competing with Chinese goods in China after shipping them there.

Are we so stupid?

I love to hear Bill Gates stand up with politicians and talk about giving up his wealth, and paying more taxes, not that I don't think that he doesn't pay more taxes, but the hypocracy of his statement just kills me.  Why?  Because if he cared so much about our country and was so willing to give up half of his income to pay taxes then why in the heck doesn't he at least hire Americans there at Microsoft.  Now I know he has some, but why is it that when you call MS tech support you can't even understand the person because you're speaking with someone from India or some other slave labor country because Corporate America Bill is trying to make a few extra billion while sacrificing American Jobs?

I am patriotic, very much so, and I am so tired of seeing our factories closing down and people being unemployed and on welfare when this whole fair trade thing could be balanced out better and we start opening back those American factories again and making them competitive without the average employee working for peanuts.

The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to straighten it out.  I am a contractor and I haven't seen a toilet made in America in  years.  All the toilet manufacturers are importing the toilets from Mexico.  Most textiles come from China and other slave labor countries.  The only clothing factory here in Selma is one that has a military contract.  Wouldn't it be nice if there wasn't such a big divide with China and we could open up a couple of large clothing factories here in Dallas County and put some people here to work so that they can start paying taxes too?

Oh, and speaking of another perk of the world trade agreements as they are?  They are the biggest contributors to world wide pollution and global warming (if there is such a thing) that exist.  Why?  Because the United States puts more control over their pollution and more agencies to monitor pollution than about any other country in the world, therefore if the world trade agreements are creating industries in China, Mexico, India and others who  have far less standards (if any) then the damage to the environment is increasing exponentially.

And lastly, we are so desperate for money and to strengthen our economy that we are selling out to the devil (China).  We say "I hope China invests here and gives us some money".  Let me tell you, I don't want to have to answer to China, and I don't want a communist government to hold my mortgage.  If you've ever seen the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" then you understand why George Wilson did not sell out to old man Potter.  If you remember, if George had not have been there, old man Potter would have owned Bedford Falls and life there would have been drastically different (for the bad) under Potters "rule".  Potter was definitely the evil character in the movie and China buying our debt and while we give them the money (through the World Trade Agreements), they buy more of our debt and grow stronger in power, monetarily, militarily and politically.  Don't forget that it was China, followed by Russia that wanted the world to "drop" the U.S. Dollar as the worlds staple currency back at the end of 2008, a move that would have crippled us politically world wide.  This was very obvious a move to throw us under the bus and I am very surprised that the media didn't harp on it more, even now.  I suppose it's a matter of national security and the government doesn't want us to panic?  What ever the case, I was taught to stay away from tigers, especially if they try to eat you, but miss.  They will come back later when the time is right.

There's so much more I'd love to say, but I'll leave it at that for now...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Delete Taxes - Thinking Outside of the Box

The title says it all. Actually it doesn't so let's go on. Why do we have taxes any way? The dollar has not been connected to either gold or silver for many years.

This concept may be considered a bit extreme to some, but let's just think outside of the box for a minute. People, just like animals, are creatures of habit and many times we just go with the flow and walk down the same path that our ancestors have walked down previous to us. The majority of people, after all, are followers, and with such a complicated issue such as taxes (getting even more complicated every year) then surely generations of politicians prior to our "information age" existence must be right, right?


Let's explore that question; the question why? There may be a slight transition to deleting all taxes completely, but why wouldn't it be possible? It's not like it's attached to gold any more, or jewels or pewter or the things of the past that men and women considered gems, diamonds etc.
Listen, when taxes were created, there was no paper money, it was all silver or gold, period. In France, Great Britain, Rome, in all of these countries tax collectors went around collecting silver and gold from the people, and sometimes food as well, you know, tangible things they could put in the kings coffers and build up wealth.

When countries went to war with other countries, they pillaged the villages for what? Not paper money, but gold, silver, jewels and food. They didn't rebuild those cities they pillaged. They kept the wealth for themselves and for their country. Selfish right?

Now that gold, silver, jewels and food are no longer collected as taxes (get where I am going?) to fill up the kings coffers as was done in thousands of years past, why are they still collecting taxes when it is only paper, and many times just an electronic transfer of, you guessed it, nothing. I say nothing because the government prints money on a regular basis anyway, and I'm sure there is some accountability there, although I've often read that the Federal Reserve has never been audited before (whether this is true, I have no clue). So what's the point anyway?

Why can't the government audit every city, state and county as to what their revenue intake has been traditionally and connect that to their infrastructure and population in a fair and reasonable fashion, then print up a year's worth of money and just transfer it into their bank accounts on a monthly basis so that they can meet their obligations, payroll and day to day expenses. If some cities are out of proportion with other cities for how much money is collected per each individual, just find some way to average it out over a period of say ten years. The government "must" allow for this information to be public so as to earn the trust of the people and other city and state governments. This could be accomplished by listing every city, county and state that receives money from the federal government showing exactly how much money they were given compared to their number of employees and their census population. Every year if special needs come up from some of the cities needing additional revenue, then have them write a grant to the federal government.

Everyone will have more money in their pockets and this should stimulate the economy right? Some might argue that this artificial surplus would create inflation, but all of the artificial printing hasn't seemed to do it yet has it? This transition could be accomplished over the course of several years so we could do as the Federal Reserve calls it, a "quantitative easing".

Again, let me repeat that taxes throughout history were gold and silver that actually went into the governments vaults and that they spoils of war were actually spoils of war that went in the conquering government's vaults and since none of this is any longer the case, it could be said that taxes are really just an outdated method of collecting nothing, and therefore does not serve its original purpose anymore.

Deleting them entirely could raise people's spirits, even out the playing field, uncomplicate people's lives and make it easier for all businesses to streamline their production and focus on their products instead of so much red tape. The IRS could probably be downsized considerably, transitioning them into new jobs in the private sector. Accountants currently in existence can help moderate the transition by auditing the IRS and making sure that all cities received proportional amounts of money and to insure that corruption did not take over the system by allowing "certain" cities to receive extra payouts. All figures allotted each city, county and state government monetary figures should be published for the public’s consumption with a easily understood summary of why some cities receive slightly more funds than others as well as how much money in grants they received and for what. 

Roads and streets could still at least "partially" be funded by fuel taxes, although the fuel taxes could be lowered and eventually deleted over the course of several years as the system "evens" out.

I am just thinking outside of the box. I just think this idea could be explored. It is a concept that would be hard for most people to wrap their minds around because there have always been taxes, but life is complicated enough and the tax codes are just so complicated. Doing this could allow us to spread our wings and focus on the more important things of life. I realize that one of the complications may be how this would affect the world markets, and to be honest, I do not know what percentage of taxes other countries pay out, but the concept could be a global concept as long as the entire world is not connected to precious metals with their currency any longer.