Many would argue with the title of this article, but it's true nonetheless. We often talk about "change" and how we want it, yet how many times do we fall into the same old "rut" and "routine"? I remember a debate 20ish or so years ago with some of the older youth in my church. The question was "If your goal is to fail and you succeed, did you still fail?". My answer was "If it was your goal was to fail and you met your goal, then you did succeed in your own eyes, because everyone else’s definition of success should not reflect your own." To be honest, I have seen some kids that were so afraid of failure; they were perfectly content to never leave the couch and they continued to live with their parents well into adulthood.
I ran across the following piece written by Portia Nelson called "Autobiography in Five Short Chapters" and found it worthwhile to post, so here it is. May we all reflect, understand and seek the "better street" and become all that we can be by overcoming any adversity or "holes" that we fall into. Here's a toast to all the holes we've fallen into and the new streets we've found because we at least had the fortitude to get off the couch and walk down those streets to begin with. May we stop falling into the same old holes, but find new holes on different streets to fall into and get out of. May we become better people because of it all.
Chapter 1:
I walk down the street.
There is a hole.
I don't see it.
I fall in.
It isn't my fault.
It takes a very long time to get out.
Chapter 2:
I walk down the same street.
There is still a deep hole.
I pretend not to see it.
I fall in.
I pretend it's still not my fault.
It takes a long time to get out.
Chapter 3:
I walk down the same street.
There is still the same deep hole.
I see it.
I fall in anyway.
It's a habit.
I get out quicker this time.
Chapter 4:
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole.
I see it.
I walk around it.
I don't fall in.
Chapter 5:
I walk down a different street!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Cult Council - Ward 3 - Absolutely Not!!
July 5th, 2011 - Judgment Day. The day that every voter (that's everyone that actually votes) judges (votes) for one candidate and at the same time, judges against the other candidate. In a day and age when the wolves in sheep’s clothing (the cult) complain and whine about "haters" and "non-religious tolerance" they themselves have been the biggest hypocrites of the very things they preach and whine about.
First and foremost, let me assure you that I do not hate the Freedom Foundation or any of their other associated cult organizations or programs which are all weaved together like a spider's web ready to catch any unsuspecting and naive soul. I have decided that there is no hate in my heart for them, at least not at this point. What I do have is a great love for Selma, therefore to understand this love, you have to understand that seeing Selma suffer from this cult and seeing the potential future devastation to Selma from the growth of this oppressive organism has me a bit perturbed.
If you do your research, you will see that the Freedom Foundation, the House of God, the Selma Community Church, Random Acts of Theater are all connected together and to one man; Mark Duke. They are a cancer in our community and if this cancer ever metastasizes, then the death of Selma economically will not be far behind.
Motives and heart. How many times have I said it? Leadership is all about intelligence, inspiration, diplomacy and so many other things, but the smartest, most inspiring and diplomatic person on the planet would not get my vote if their heart and motives were “bad” and depending on that "bad" person's aspirations and potential is what determines how much I would campaign against them and for someone else.
Winston Churchill was not an Adolf Hitler fan, but Hitler was a "very" charismatic and popular leader. He was smart, witty and a strong leader who knew how people worked. Hitler used all sorts of media and propaganda to basically brainwash the public. Now, don't misquote me. I am not saying that the Freedom Foundation is going to commit genocide against the Jews or the citizens of Selma, but what I am saying is that even with all the right traits, wisdom and personable leadership qualities someone might have, it certainly doesn't make them worth following if the motives and heart are corrupt. Motives and heart are what determine a good leader and sometimes you have to really do your research. Not everyone has discernment. It's a gift that was not equally distributed out. There are very intelligent people out there who do not have discernment just like there are very discerning people out there who do not have very much intelligence. What I am saying is that just because a candidate has a nice "radio voice" and sounds sweet doesn't mean she is. There are basically a few types of followers. Those who "know" better, those who "don't know" better and those who just “don't care”.
Winston Churchill most definitely had discernment. He's been quoted as saying, "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
Winston also said “Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen.”
I don't think anyone here reading this doesn't know where I stand on Gwen Brown, Mark Duke, Shawn Samuelson and Ronald Smith, however many of you probably don't understand why I am so adamant about exposing them for the destructive group that they are, so I want to clarify some things.
I don't hate them, I just love Selma much more. It's important that you understand this.
I strongly feel that the cult will be the demise of Selma if given enough momentum.
I don't trust them and for good reason. They are a pack of notorious and destructive liars and there's lots of proof.
I dislike bullies very much. The only physical fights I’ve ever been in were protecting the weak from bullies. The cult is a bully. Lot's of proof there also.
They are creating racism in itself by creating negative drama. Make no mistakes, this group is the opposite of what Selma needs.
They are leading youth down a very bad path.
They have no respect for authority at all. They only do the bidding of their cult leaders.
They will eventually help run businesses and business people out of Selma.
They speak of those who speak out of the both sides of their mouths, yet that phrase was invented because of people just like them.
They speak of unity, yet use diverse divide and conquer tactics on the citizens of selma.
They do a few things and highly market those things they do in direct contradiction to the biblical term.
They help those who can help them recruit more members or who have talents or money that will directly support their cause and again recruit more people.
They speak of racism, yet cults are the true slave masters of the mind, the true oppressors of the weak.
Their only cause is their own glory, power and control and not that of the Father.
Their only justice is their cause which is control and power.
They are partison politics at it's worst.
They speak of democracy yet they are dictators.
Does Gwen have a job? Her job is to get control over the people of Selma according to her leader Mark Duke.
Why run businesses out of town? Leadership. Is this really the leader you want? They speak of unity yet they are the opposite of unity. They are "anti-unity".
Perkin's is openly supporting the cult. Without a doubt, I am ashamed of this politician. Why? Because there has been so many examples of cults and with media, news, books etc there is absolutely NO reason for an educated person to be supporting this cult and especially publically supporting them. Is he that desperate for a few votes? The cult is going to ruin his future career and his reputation; however the cult is only supporting him because HE GIVES THEM CREDIBILITY. Perkins is being played. He has so much to lose and the cult has so much to gain. Perkins - You need to cut them off ASAP. If you read this, I am still waiting on that lunch meeting and I will be glad to elaborate. Don't make a fool of yourself any more, you're embarrassing all of us, and I am not speaking this white/black race gibberish, I am speaking the entire human race.
Next, without a doubt specialists have labeled this group as a destructive cult. Obviously they are blasting Allan McConnell. That's all they can do. What would you do? Unfortunately there is not a cult specialist that resides in Selma, so Ms. Coles, I suppose that your comment about him being an outside agitator might be correct. Take an antacid for your heart burn because he is a cult specialist no matter how much the cult and some of their bed buddies try and discredit him.
Listen, several years ago I called some people associated with the archives of the whole Jim Jones, People's Temple cult and described what was going on. I was asked "WHO WAS MONITORING THE SITUATION" and I said "A man by the name of Allan McConnell with Watchman Fellowship" and the reply I got back was "Ya'll are in good hands because Watchman Fellowship is one of the largest and most respected cult monitoring specialists in the country". That's all that I needed to believe. What will it take for some of you? There's a WeTV show called "Women in Cults" that is out and mentioned the Selma cult by name. There have been several other cult monitoring experts nationwide that has labeled this group a cult. The Alabama Baptist did a four page spread on the Selma Cult. What is it going to take for all of this to sink in? I have asked myself this question and the only thing I can think of is that there are so many "questionable charactors" that talk on the radio daily here in Selma Alabama, that no-one trusts anyone any more. I pray that you start trusting and listening to Allan McConnell before it's too late because he's the real deal people. No, he isn't perfect and seems a little harsh sometimes, but if you really listen, he's only telling the truth, and to the cult and the cult's supporters, the truth hurts their agenda. I'll say again that I don't hate the Freedom Foundation, but I love Selma more, and I believe that Allan doesn't hate them either, but loves all of the spiritually abused people have been and are being lied to and manipulated by this group much more.
Although I strongly predict a loss for Gwen Brown and a win for Greg Bjelke, I must admit that if something doesn't happen, there will be continued growth by this group and eventual council seats for them down the road. Folks, this can't happen. They will rip Selma to shreds. You think there aren't enough jobs here now? Seriously? Do you think businessmen actually like a lot of drama in the city they reside? Do you think the youth start minding their parents more when they see the Cult directly disobeying those leaders in charge? Do you think they will create "real jobs" for Selma?
Let me tell you a secret that obviously the airwaves of Selma have never understood. Drama runs off industry and jobs. Leaders who create division and drama run off industry and jobs. What I am saying is that if you support the cult, you are supporting less jobs for you and your family.
Want proof? How many people move out of Selma during Perkins term in office? Drama and he created lots of it. How many people pulled their kids out of the public school system and even moved out of the city in the early '90s? Again, drama and safety issues.
Tone it down. Give Selma a positive image and try to help the city, not hurt it. Also, do not put leaders in office that polarize the city as this is a very negative thing and causes us all to lose. I am not saying be complacent, true leaders are never complacent. If your house was full of snakes, you would not sit down on the couch, no you would not.
Vote for a local businessman that has invested his life in Selma and has actually created jobs here. As Daddy White said "Vote Bjelke, Vote Bjelke, Vote Bjelke" put the RIGHT man in.
Every vote against the cult is a vote for Selma.
First and foremost, let me assure you that I do not hate the Freedom Foundation or any of their other associated cult organizations or programs which are all weaved together like a spider's web ready to catch any unsuspecting and naive soul. I have decided that there is no hate in my heart for them, at least not at this point. What I do have is a great love for Selma, therefore to understand this love, you have to understand that seeing Selma suffer from this cult and seeing the potential future devastation to Selma from the growth of this oppressive organism has me a bit perturbed.
If you do your research, you will see that the Freedom Foundation, the House of God, the Selma Community Church, Random Acts of Theater are all connected together and to one man; Mark Duke. They are a cancer in our community and if this cancer ever metastasizes, then the death of Selma economically will not be far behind.
Motives and heart. How many times have I said it? Leadership is all about intelligence, inspiration, diplomacy and so many other things, but the smartest, most inspiring and diplomatic person on the planet would not get my vote if their heart and motives were “bad” and depending on that "bad" person's aspirations and potential is what determines how much I would campaign against them and for someone else.
Winston Churchill was not an Adolf Hitler fan, but Hitler was a "very" charismatic and popular leader. He was smart, witty and a strong leader who knew how people worked. Hitler used all sorts of media and propaganda to basically brainwash the public. Now, don't misquote me. I am not saying that the Freedom Foundation is going to commit genocide against the Jews or the citizens of Selma, but what I am saying is that even with all the right traits, wisdom and personable leadership qualities someone might have, it certainly doesn't make them worth following if the motives and heart are corrupt. Motives and heart are what determine a good leader and sometimes you have to really do your research. Not everyone has discernment. It's a gift that was not equally distributed out. There are very intelligent people out there who do not have discernment just like there are very discerning people out there who do not have very much intelligence. What I am saying is that just because a candidate has a nice "radio voice" and sounds sweet doesn't mean she is. There are basically a few types of followers. Those who "know" better, those who "don't know" better and those who just “don't care”.
Winston Churchill most definitely had discernment. He's been quoted as saying, "If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."
Winston also said “Politics is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month and next year. And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn't happen.”
I don't think anyone here reading this doesn't know where I stand on Gwen Brown, Mark Duke, Shawn Samuelson and Ronald Smith, however many of you probably don't understand why I am so adamant about exposing them for the destructive group that they are, so I want to clarify some things.
I don't hate them, I just love Selma much more. It's important that you understand this.
I strongly feel that the cult will be the demise of Selma if given enough momentum.
I don't trust them and for good reason. They are a pack of notorious and destructive liars and there's lots of proof.
I dislike bullies very much. The only physical fights I’ve ever been in were protecting the weak from bullies. The cult is a bully. Lot's of proof there also.
They are creating racism in itself by creating negative drama. Make no mistakes, this group is the opposite of what Selma needs.
They are leading youth down a very bad path.
They have no respect for authority at all. They only do the bidding of their cult leaders.
They will eventually help run businesses and business people out of Selma.
They speak of those who speak out of the both sides of their mouths, yet that phrase was invented because of people just like them.
They speak of unity, yet use diverse divide and conquer tactics on the citizens of selma.
They do a few things and highly market those things they do in direct contradiction to the biblical term.
They help those who can help them recruit more members or who have talents or money that will directly support their cause and again recruit more people.
They speak of racism, yet cults are the true slave masters of the mind, the true oppressors of the weak.
Their only cause is their own glory, power and control and not that of the Father.
Their only justice is their cause which is control and power.
They are partison politics at it's worst.
They speak of democracy yet they are dictators.
Does Gwen have a job? Her job is to get control over the people of Selma according to her leader Mark Duke.
Why run businesses out of town? Leadership. Is this really the leader you want? They speak of unity yet they are the opposite of unity. They are "anti-unity".
Perkin's is openly supporting the cult. Without a doubt, I am ashamed of this politician. Why? Because there has been so many examples of cults and with media, news, books etc there is absolutely NO reason for an educated person to be supporting this cult and especially publically supporting them. Is he that desperate for a few votes? The cult is going to ruin his future career and his reputation; however the cult is only supporting him because HE GIVES THEM CREDIBILITY. Perkins is being played. He has so much to lose and the cult has so much to gain. Perkins - You need to cut them off ASAP. If you read this, I am still waiting on that lunch meeting and I will be glad to elaborate. Don't make a fool of yourself any more, you're embarrassing all of us, and I am not speaking this white/black race gibberish, I am speaking the entire human race.
Next, without a doubt specialists have labeled this group as a destructive cult. Obviously they are blasting Allan McConnell. That's all they can do. What would you do? Unfortunately there is not a cult specialist that resides in Selma, so Ms. Coles, I suppose that your comment about him being an outside agitator might be correct. Take an antacid for your heart burn because he is a cult specialist no matter how much the cult and some of their bed buddies try and discredit him.
Listen, several years ago I called some people associated with the archives of the whole Jim Jones, People's Temple cult and described what was going on. I was asked "WHO WAS MONITORING THE SITUATION" and I said "A man by the name of Allan McConnell with Watchman Fellowship" and the reply I got back was "Ya'll are in good hands because Watchman Fellowship is one of the largest and most respected cult monitoring specialists in the country". That's all that I needed to believe. What will it take for some of you? There's a WeTV show called "Women in Cults" that is out and mentioned the Selma cult by name. There have been several other cult monitoring experts nationwide that has labeled this group a cult. The Alabama Baptist did a four page spread on the Selma Cult. What is it going to take for all of this to sink in? I have asked myself this question and the only thing I can think of is that there are so many "questionable charactors" that talk on the radio daily here in Selma Alabama, that no-one trusts anyone any more. I pray that you start trusting and listening to Allan McConnell before it's too late because he's the real deal people. No, he isn't perfect and seems a little harsh sometimes, but if you really listen, he's only telling the truth, and to the cult and the cult's supporters, the truth hurts their agenda. I'll say again that I don't hate the Freedom Foundation, but I love Selma more, and I believe that Allan doesn't hate them either, but loves all of the spiritually abused people have been and are being lied to and manipulated by this group much more.
Although I strongly predict a loss for Gwen Brown and a win for Greg Bjelke, I must admit that if something doesn't happen, there will be continued growth by this group and eventual council seats for them down the road. Folks, this can't happen. They will rip Selma to shreds. You think there aren't enough jobs here now? Seriously? Do you think businessmen actually like a lot of drama in the city they reside? Do you think the youth start minding their parents more when they see the Cult directly disobeying those leaders in charge? Do you think they will create "real jobs" for Selma?
Let me tell you a secret that obviously the airwaves of Selma have never understood. Drama runs off industry and jobs. Leaders who create division and drama run off industry and jobs. What I am saying is that if you support the cult, you are supporting less jobs for you and your family.
Want proof? How many people move out of Selma during Perkins term in office? Drama and he created lots of it. How many people pulled their kids out of the public school system and even moved out of the city in the early '90s? Again, drama and safety issues.
Tone it down. Give Selma a positive image and try to help the city, not hurt it. Also, do not put leaders in office that polarize the city as this is a very negative thing and causes us all to lose. I am not saying be complacent, true leaders are never complacent. If your house was full of snakes, you would not sit down on the couch, no you would not.
Vote for a local businessman that has invested his life in Selma and has actually created jobs here. As Daddy White said "Vote Bjelke, Vote Bjelke, Vote Bjelke" put the RIGHT man in.
Every vote against the cult is a vote for Selma.
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